Monday, March 17, 2008

St Patty Day

Im going to preface this with the fact that I hate the so called "drinking holiday" since I began working in a bar.

Drunken holidays are to bars what Valentine's day is to Hallmark. Yeah, I said it. They are holidays in the sense that they have some root in a real thing to celebrate, but Im sure St. Patrick didn't head to the pub to drink green beer, no matter how Irish he was.

He drank whiskey!

All kidding aside, there are certain dangers that surround these type of days. Im a huge supporter of finding a sober driver if you have had too much to drink. Ten bucks and the life you save may be your own. If you can't get a cap, find a cute girl and get her number and a ride home.

See, everyone wins!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Remembering a Promoter

I was driving around today listening to an old Grateful Dead show and they made mention of Billy Graham and it took me a second to let me remember who they were talking about.

Most americans think of the televison friendly evangelist, but Jerry Garcia was talking about this guy. Graham changed the face of modern music promotion and he paved the way for smaller bands to be able to tour and have venues accross the country. He had bi-coastal major venues and made sure that people got to hear music that they loved.

I bring this up for two reason. The first is to give ackowledgement to a guy that lived with little fanfare outside of the industry. The other is the fact that we dont have a dedicated music venue in town and I think it's high time for it to be changed.

The venues around here are poor places to hold shows because everything would have to be retrofitted to provide a venue. The Shaft is having Blue Oyster Culture Club and Dolewite playing this weekend on a stage on top of a dance floor; hardly a good setup for a show. The closest dedicated music venues are located in Kansas City, most notably the El Torean which has hosted and promoted a local and national scene for over 20 years.

Since the Bone closed last winter, the scene is strugging to fill a void. It takes dedicated people to organize and promote shows. I played in a band for a long time and we did our own booking and promoting, which was like another job on top of the one I had already.

Billy Graham (aka Wolfgang Grajonca) I salute you and I wish we had someone with an iota of your talent here. We could use some live music.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

UEFA Champions League + Mid-day drinking = hooligans!

Live blogging for the win!

Legends has wireless internet and I'm here to watch the UEFA Champions League. Im an American Kid and my favorite sport is.... soccer?

I love this game and Ive watched it as much as I can. Most of the time, I am pressed to go to a bar to watch the games since most of them are carried on satalite and not by our local cable company. That's just too bad. Being stuck in a bar... with a soccer game... and lots of beer. I have NO clue how all those fights in Europe start over soccer. No clue what so ever.

Ive been coming here for the past few months to watch games on Thursdays. Game days happen live overseas and we get to see them live too. At this time of day, most people are at work. I get to have fun and watch soccer.

Im here today to watch the second leg of the knockout stages. My favorite team, The Arsenal, are playing against Inter-Milan from the Italian Serie A.

Sports bars are usually full of cheese and you have to fight meatheads who want to watch NASCAR all day. I've been coming down here long enough that some of the day regulars now actually watch the games with me, along with some of my friends. The linked photos show us all together.

Im on my first pitcher and by the time this game is over, Ill be calling the fiancee to pick me up because I wont be able to drive away from this game. I guess its the Englishman in me coming out to shine :-)